English: I wish I knew how to quit you! - - - - - - - French: Si seulement je pouvais te quitter
Translating English into French can be tricky. Turning the vernacular (especially cowboy speech) into French must have been quite a challenge for the people working to dub Brokeback Mountain. Follow this link to see the French language preview for Le Secret De Brokeback Mountain.""If you can't fix it, you got to stand it."
Si tu ne peaux rien y changer, fault t'y faire.
"I wish I knew how to quit you!"
Si seulement je pouvais te quitter!
"It's nobody's business but ours."
Ce ne regarde que nous
cinema, France, French, Brokeback Mountain, Le Secret De Brokeback Mountain, Heath Ledger, gai, Oscar, cinema